
The NHS Constitution states that research is a core function of the NHS. Research is important because it provides innovation and growth to the NHS through inspection and analysis of new medicines and treatments as well as patients and staff to develop understanding and knowledge so that medical professionals can provide the highest standards of patient care. Investment in research means improved, more cost effective care for patients.


National Institute for Health Research

In 2006, the Department of Health set up The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to make advancements in health and general care across the nation through Research. The NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) was introduced to provide infrastructure to the NHS to allow high quality research to be set up and delivered efficiently and effectively. Civic Medical Centre works closely with NIHR as well as other practices, participating in research trials for NIHR North West Coast. To find out more about the work of the NIHR Clinical Research Network go to their website.

What is Primary Care Research?

The CRN Primary Care speciality works in collaboration with researchers and primary care practitioners such as GPs, practice nurses, pharmacists and dentists to promote the successful delivery of research studies in the NHS. A wide range of research studies are supported which look at:

  • Promoting a healthier lifestyle
  • Disease diagnosis and prevention
  • Management of long-term illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension
  • Treating common conditions such as tonsillitis or influenza
  • Prevention of neurological diseases such as dementia
  • Mental and physical health awareness

What are the benefits of taking part in research?

  • It offers patients access to new treatments
  • It brings a new dimension to practice and added skills to those involved
  • It provides national gold standard training for research
  • It offers mentorship and support to those involved in research within practice
  • Benefits our future through development of medicine

How can you take part and help research progress?

  • A doctor or nurse may talk to you about a particular study and ask whether you would be interested in participating
  • You may receive a text message or email from the practice asking whether you would like to participate in research
  • You may be sent information through the post if we feel you may be a suitable participant
  • You may read information about a current study in the patient waiting room or on the surgery website and wish to take part by contacting your GP

All clinical research carried out at Civic Medical Centre is thoroughly checked and approved by ethical committees thus ensuring it is appropriate and safe to perform. Your participation is entirely voluntary and can be withdrawn by yourself at any time without any explanation required.

You are under no obligation to participate in any research project

Your care and your relationship with your doctor and surgery will not be affected in any way if you decided not to take part in a research study

You will always receive clear information about what taking part in a research study would involve. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and obtain further details about a study. 

If you do agree to take part in a study, you will be asked to sign a consent form. This will clearly state which parts of your notes (if any) may be looked at for the purposes of the research study. Nobody from outside this practice will be given your contact details or have access to your medical records without your prior consent.

Research Changes Lives

Research can save lives, find new treatments and help people be healthier and happier for longer.

Doctors, nurses and other health and social care professionals learn more by doing research. But this is only possible when people, including children and young people, take part in research studies.

In fact, last year, nearly three quarters of a million people took part in health and social care research.

Why take part?

  • You may want to improve health and care for everyone, or because someone you care about has an illness
  • If you have an illness or condition , you might be able to try a new treatment
  • You might learn more about your condition
  • Your health may be monitored more if you take part in some studies
  • You will help researchers learn important new information

Ask your doctor, nurse or healthcare professional about research you can take part in or look at our research pages below for links to how you can take part.

Our Team

Civic Medical Centre is part of a collaborative between 3 general practices based in Wirral and we have been conducting research since 2022. The collaborative is “research active” meaning we take part in a wide range of studies. Currently, we are recruiting for and participating in, multiple trials that are taking place across the globe by working with research facilities and universities to further medical research and knowledge. Due to our success in medical research, we are hoping to grow our research capacity and are predicting an increase in volume of research trials over the next year.